Monday, October 6, 2008

Sell Out....

Well this blog has turned into a sounding board for my frustrations rather than a tool for artistic expressions but at least it lives up to the title of what's on my mind...that and it's cheaper and less emotional than therapy.

Well two nights ago I sat down for dinner with my parents, and apparently the topic of what I was going to do after college came up.
My parents want me to go into personal training and every time I try to explain there's no money in it at the moment, they don't believe me. Now I might consider it as side job, but I'm not going to put all my eggs in that basket. So then the big question came "What are you going to do?" Well this lead into my mother's infamous "if you're not doing what I think you should do then you'll never be happy" series of shoot downs.

I said I might try moving up within the bank...maybe use that whole tuition reimbursement thing, try to get myself some corporate gig.

Enter the objections: If finance gets you stressed out why do it as a career. Also isn't that where all the layoffs are happening....

My rationale :there is damn good money in for 20 years pay off some debts get myself secure..bada bing bada boom I can then finance other career alternatives/ investments. although in the midst of the greatest crisis since the Great Depression, this world is full of hair cuts, pay cuts, and job cuts.....

Teaching, Once I get my degree I really don't want to do it but worst case senario I know I can get a job as a teacher in the private schools the pay isn't great but it's steady income...

Objections: If the pay isn't great and it won't make you happy why do it....
My Rationale: Worst case at the end of the day it's a paycheck and that's all that counts.

Her Suggestion: Get your real estate licence....

My objection: ( not spoken) Yes so I can prosper like you guys in this wonderful housing market... also it seems like she wants a family dynasty in the same business....

Rationale: I see the rationale behind her suggestion, the market will not stay tanked forever..and it could be decent money... not really hard work..she's suggesting it as part time work..and one or two sales could be substatial supplemental income...not a total shoot a part time job...

In essence it seems once again I'm at the cross roads where I'm thinking with check book in mind and they are thinking with the do what you love I totally shooting down their I need some that pays decent and has stability...stability is the key. I figure as long as I've got enough to pay my bills, enter a few races, and I have enough time to train and my weekends pretty much to myself then I'll be happy. Does this rule out that I won't be doing personal training or real estate, or being a tri guru eventually hell no...but I need to settle my self first..maybe it's good life planning or maybe it's me selling either case I have to do what is in my best interest...

1 comment:

Judi said...

Don't let your parents tell you how to live your future. That's about all I have to say.....