Thursday, April 30, 2009


" Do no harm..." -Hippocrates

Do no harm to others
that's what I try to live by.
I internalize my anger on myself
because I do not want to hurt others.

Cause others no pain
Despite the fact they are hurting you
Despite the fact they are poisoning your soul
Despite the fact they are crushing your dreams
Say nothing because by screaming out you will cause them and yourself incredible torment.

Do not strike out
Turn the other cheek
Forgive Forget
Bear your cross
Destroy the self
Blame yourself even if it's not your fault
That's how I've tried to live...

I am tired of it.
In trying not to cause pain
I have made myself it's slave
I have let it poison my mind
I have let it poison my body
I have let it destroy who I want to be.
No more...

I'm tired of pain
I'm tired of torment
I'm tired of making myself feel unworthy to protect others
I'm tired of acting against my best interest...

So I cast you off fear...
I cast you off self loathing...
I cast you off doubt, failure, scorn and ridcule...
I cast you off self implied obligation...I cannot save those who are unwilling to help themselves...
But most of all I cast you off pain....

I'm tired of the grief you caused me...
Go infect someone else
You are not wanted
You are not welcome
I am not thankful for you
So get the Hell out!

I am done with you pain!

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